Lokhu okuthunyelwe kuyoba yidokhumenti yokwakhiwa kabusha kwezombusazwe zase-Afrika ekwenzeni isiko elihambisana nezidingo zamanje zamanje, kuyisimo mayelana nesimo sombuso, ukuhlelwa kobuso, ukuphatha, amandla, nokuziphatha kwezepolitiki zase-Afrika. Sicela uhlanganyele ngokukhululekile lapha imicabango yakho nemibono mayelana nezombangazwe zase-Afrika endaweni yokuphawula. Iposi lizobhalwa bese libhalwa kabusha emibono yakho. Gcina engqondweni ukuthi asithinti izinketho ezinobudlova.
This post wil be a document on how to reestructure African politics making tradition compatible with present day requirements, it's a post about the form of state, the structuring of the state, the administrative, the powers, and the morals of African politics. Please freely share here your thoughts and ideas about African politics in the comments area. The post will be written and re-written upon your ideas. Keep in mind we do not suppot violent options.

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